You can set settings below using environment variables or placing them in .env
Variable | Description |
UVICORN_HOST | Bind application to this host (default: ) |
UVICORN_PORT | Bind application to this port (default: 8000 ) |
UVICORN_UDS | Bind application to a UNIX domain socket |
UVICORN_SSL_CERTFILE | SSL certificate file to have application on https |
UVICORN_SSL_KEYFILE | SSL key file to have application on https |
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL | Database URL (SQLAlchemy’s docs) |
JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES | Expire time for the Access Tokens in minutes, 0 considered as infinite (default: 1440 ) |
AUTH_GENERATION_ALGORITHM | Authentication password encryption algorithm (default: “xxh128”, options: “xxh128”, “plain”) |
Subscription and VPN customization
Variable | Description |
CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIRECTORY | Customized templates directory (default: app/templates ) |
CLASH_SUBSCRIPTION_TEMPLATE | The template that will be used for generating clash configs (default: clash/default.yml ) |
SUBSCRIPTION_PAGE_TEMPLATE | The template used for generating subscription info page (default: subscription/index.html ) |
SUBSCRIPTION_URL_PREFIX | Prefix of subscription URLs |
HOME_PAGE_TEMPLATE | Decoy page template (default: home/index.html ) |
Variable | Description |
TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN | Telegram bot API token (get token from @botfather) |
TELEGRAM_ADMIN_ID | Numeric Telegram ID of admin (use @userinfobot to found your ID) |
TELEGRAM_PROXY_URL | Run Telegram Bot over proxy |
Notification & Webhook
Variable | Description |
WEBHOOK_ADDRESS | Webhook address to send notifications to. Webhook notifications will be sent if this value was set. |
WEBHOOK_SECRET | Webhook secret will be sent with each request as x-webhook-secret in the header (default: None ) |
NUMBER_OF_RECURRENT_NOTIFICATIONS | How many times to retry if an error detected in sending a notification (default: 3 ) |
RECURRENT_NOTIFICATIONS_TIMEOUT | Timeout between each retry if an error detected in sending a notification in seconds (default: 180 ) |
NOTIFY_REACHED_USAGE_PERCENT | At which percentage of usage to send the warning notification (default: 80 ) |
NOTIFY_DAYS_LEFT | When to send warning notification about expiration (default: 3 ) |
Development and Documentation
Variable | Description |
DOCS | Whether API documents should be available on /docs and /redoc or not (default: False ) |
DEBUG | Debug mode for development (default: False ) |
.env File Example