
Sing-box is yet another backend supported by marznode.

Currently supported protocols include:

  • VMess
  • Trojan
  • Shadowsocks
  • Hysteria2
  • TUIC
  • ShadowTLS

Configuration settings on marznode

The following environmental variables are used to utilize and configure sing-box on marznode:

  • SING_BOX_EXECUTABLE_PATH Path to the sing-box binary. The binary should include with_v2ray_api tag.
  • SING_BOX_CONFIG_PATH Path to sing-box config.
  • SING_BOX_RESTART_ON_FAILURE Whether to restart in case of crash/exit. True/False
  • SING_BOX_RESTART_ON_FAILURE_INTERVAL Interval between restarts in case of crash.

Example, using the marznode docker image

Sing-box is included by default in marznode docker image, with the binary placed in /usr/local/bin/sing-box.

A fine compose.yml looks like this:

    image: dawsh/marznode:latest
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
    command: [ "sh", "-c", "sleep 10 && python3" ]

      XRAY_EXECUTABLE_PATH: "/usr/local/bin/xray"
      XRAY_ASSETS_PATH: "/usr/local/lib/xray"
      XRAY_CONFIG_PATH: "/var/lib/marznode/xray_config.json"
      # The following variables tell marznode to run sing-box:
      SING_BOX_ENABLED: "True"
      SING_BOX_EXECUTABLE_PATH: "/usr/local/bin/sing-box"
      SING_BOX_CONFIG_PATH: "/var/lib/marznode/sing-box.json"
      HYSTERIA_EXECUTABLE_PATH: "/usr/local/bin/hysteria"
      SSL_CLIENT_CERT_FILE: "/var/lib/marznode/client.pem"
      SSL_KEY_FILE: "./server.key"
      SSL_CERT_FILE: "./server.cert"

      - /var/lib/marznode:/var/lib/marznode

Make sure /var/lib/marznode/sing-box.json exists, and is a valid sing-box config.

Current Limitations

  • There is no user-management api implemented on sing-box, hence each time list of users is modified for any of the inbounds related to a sing-box backend, the list is written into sing-box configuration and a SIGHUP signal is sent to the corresponding sing-box process; notifying it to reload the configuration file.
  • Some protocols are not yet implemented for sing-box.

See also